Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. ---Matthew 6:33 NLV
In the world in which we live you can basically divide individuals into 3 categories: those out of control, those losing control, and those under control. Which group seems to characterize your life? Do you find yourself losing control because of the struggles, stresses, and strains of this world? Maybe you are plain old out of control being like Bobby Brown talking about, "It's my prerogative, I'll do what I wanna do."

Remember when we were young and we told our parents, "I just can't wait until I'm grown!" (Now of course we did say it down low so they couldn't hear us because mama didn't raise no fool). What we were saying was, we couldn't wait until we had control or could call the shots. Ironically once we did grow up we found out that we've got to give up control in order to stay under control! That's just what Jesus is saying today in the midst of a world that seems out of control, give Him full control and He'll make sure you stay under control!
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