For she said, "If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well." Mark 5:28
I'm reading an autobiography with my class by Tanya West Dean entitled "Line Drive". This story is about a female baseball player living during a time when girls were not allowed to play baseball. Despite facing societal stigmas the author finds a way to fulfill her dream of playing baseball. Have you ever had to just find a way to overcome overwhelming odds? All of us from time to time find ourselves facing difficult situations. During these times the easy thing would be to throw in towel and surrender to our situation. However, we must remember to hold on to hope, and follow the words of the poet who is unknown yet not unwise: Don't Quit!
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit
This is the attitude of the sister in our text. When we meet her we find out this woman had experienced a setback that was causing her to be depleted in several ways, First she was facing difficulty in her fitness. For the Bible says this woman had an issue of blood for twelve years. Imagine how she must have felt as she had to deal with this draining issue year after year. Secondly she was facing difficulty in her fellowships. The Law stated that she was unclean which meant she was unable to have normal fellowships within society. Who knows when was the last time that she received affection and affirmation from family and friends. Next she was facing difficulties with her finances. The Bible says that as she went from doctor to doctor she spent all her money. Many of us know the frustration of funds running out. Fitness, fellowships, finances, and an uncertain future, yet inspite of all these things against her the Bible says she finds a way to get what she needs! How does it work?
#1 We must get the Right Information- The Bible says, "She Heard about Jesus". I don't know what she heard. Maybe it was how He healed the sick, raised the dead and opened blinded eyes. Maybe she heard that Jesus delivers individuals from demons, death, and disaster. I don't know what she heard, but because she heard something she did something. If you want to find a way when it seems like there is know way, listen out for the Word of God which will energize your faith because the Bible says Faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God.
#2 We must have the Right Determination- The Bible says in vs. 27, "She came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. She was willing to press her way despite the crowd and despite her condition. We must have this kind of determination that we will not allow problems, predicaments or even people to block our blessings, destory our dreams, sabotage our success or detour us from our destiny.
#3 We must get the Right Impartation-Jesus says to her in vs. 34, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction." Did you see that? Jesus upgraded her. Remember before she had went from doctor to doctor (man to man) for some healing but instead of getting better she got worse. Instead she goes to Jesus and receives healing, hope, and help. He totally transforms her life in a brand new way.
The Good News today is that we don't have to give up, or give out, but we can finda way to overcome our obstacles and triumph over our trials!
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