This past weekend the movie, The Avengers, made its debut and set the record for the biggest opening. The movie is about a group of superheroes who unite to save the world. As I sat and watched the previews for this movie, my mind began to ponder heroes that I have in my heart. These are individuals that have inspired, influenced, mentored and motivated me to maximize my potential. A hero can be defined as "one who is admired for having exceptional qualities; one who shows great courage". While we normally think of fictional movie characters when the word is uttered, in reality to be heroic one does not have to possess the super strength of the Hulk or the physical powers of Thor. Instead, there are certain qualities that enable everyday people to be regarded as "ordinary heroes". Since this is Teacher Appreciation Week, I want to take time each day to pay tribute to those "heroes in my heart" who have helped to shape my life. At the top of the list is the person who epitomizes the word hero, my mother, Ora Jones. Through her amazing attitude and awesome actions she demonstrated to me what being heroic is all about. It's as simple as A-B-C.
First my mom is my hero because she was always Available. During my life's critical or celebrative moments, she was always there. When I was sick, and needed loving care, she was there. When I was hitting a game winning shot, she was there smiling. During the birth of my children, she was there. At the end of a burden-filled day, she was also there. In our culture, this trait is often taken for granted. I've even surmised that many times individuals aren't heroic not because they are bad, but because they are just too busy. However my mom was always available to me, even when she didn't feel her best. At times she would encourage, enlighten or empower me and at other times she would just be there to listen and shower me with love. As you live out the days of your life, never minimize the importance of "being there!"
Secondly, my mom is my hero because she Believed in me. It was her belief in me that helped lift me during my life's lowest moments. Even when others saw only negatives she would always see the positives and encourage me to be "the me that I was meant to be." She had a knack for seeing more in others than they could see in themselves. Then she would take it a step further and begin to speak life over individuals. Having someone believe in you is so vital that many of the successful people in our world can trace their success back to at least one person who truly believed in them. Thank you mom for believing in me because it motivated me to be better!
Finally my mom is my hero because of her Consistently Compassionate spirit. One of the things that I loved most about mom was that she was never fickle, flaky or fragmented. She was always the same no matter where she was or who she was with. Furthermore, she had the ability to show love to all that she met, even those who were not very loving to her. This quality, which I most admire about her, helps me journey through life, as I'm reminded of her favorite saying:
"If I can help somebody as I pass along, if I can cheer somebody with a word or song, if I can show somebody he's traveling wrong, then my living will not be in vain."
Although my mom couldn't leap tall buildings in a single bound, or fly faster than a speeding bullet, she was able to do what all heroes aim to do, Make a difference in the world. Today she continues to do so because of her lasting legacy that has been left behind in the lives of those that she touched. Happy Birthday Mom and thanks for being my Hero!
First my mom is my hero because she was always Available. During my life's critical or celebrative moments, she was always there. When I was sick, and needed loving care, she was there. When I was hitting a game winning shot, she was there smiling. During the birth of my children, she was there. At the end of a burden-filled day, she was also there. In our culture, this trait is often taken for granted. I've even surmised that many times individuals aren't heroic not because they are bad, but because they are just too busy. However my mom was always available to me, even when she didn't feel her best. At times she would encourage, enlighten or empower me and at other times she would just be there to listen and shower me with love. As you live out the days of your life, never minimize the importance of "being there!"
Secondly, my mom is my hero because she Believed in me. It was her belief in me that helped lift me during my life's lowest moments. Even when others saw only negatives she would always see the positives and encourage me to be "the me that I was meant to be." She had a knack for seeing more in others than they could see in themselves. Then she would take it a step further and begin to speak life over individuals. Having someone believe in you is so vital that many of the successful people in our world can trace their success back to at least one person who truly believed in them. Thank you mom for believing in me because it motivated me to be better!
Finally my mom is my hero because of her Consistently Compassionate spirit. One of the things that I loved most about mom was that she was never fickle, flaky or fragmented. She was always the same no matter where she was or who she was with. Furthermore, she had the ability to show love to all that she met, even those who were not very loving to her. This quality, which I most admire about her, helps me journey through life, as I'm reminded of her favorite saying:
"If I can help somebody as I pass along, if I can cheer somebody with a word or song, if I can show somebody he's traveling wrong, then my living will not be in vain."
Although my mom couldn't leap tall buildings in a single bound, or fly faster than a speeding bullet, she was able to do what all heroes aim to do, Make a difference in the world. Today she continues to do so because of her lasting legacy that has been left behind in the lives of those that she touched. Happy Birthday Mom and thanks for being my Hero!
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