Are you building what you're building to make a better place in the world for yourself or to make the world a better place? In my last post I mentioned that God has called you to construct something
BIG. Of course
BIG is an acronym that has nothing to do with
size but instead
significance. In order to do so, first make sure you have the
Blessing of God on what you're building. Today I'd like to add something else. Make sure that what you're building is also a blessing to someone. In other words, doing something BIG means , I- making an
Impact. Will anyone benefit from what you are building? Please know that we have been positioned on this planet to be people of impact. In Matthew 5, Jesus said that we are the salt of the Earth and the light of the World. That's a major impact statement. To help you make this positive impact, I'll use another acronym
We make an impact by-
B-believing in people. This is vital because many people do not believe in themselves. This is due largely to painful past experiences or even present negative circumstances. When we believe in people we begin to help them tap into their potential and fulfill their purpose. An example of this is seen in one of my favorite movies,
The Matrix. Even when Neo didn't believe in himself, Morpheous believed that Neo was
the One. In essence, Neo would have never become
the One had not someone believed in him. Who needs your help to become
the One that changes their community,
the One that builds the business, or the One that serves this society to make the world a better place?
Secondly we make an impact by,
U- Understanding individuals. By seeking to understand how people are, where they are, and what they are dealing with prepares us to help them in a more efficient manner. Next, we make an impact by
I- Investing in individuals. Imagine where would you be if someone had not invested in you. Now it's your turn to pay it forward and invest your trust, time, talents or treasures into the life of somebody else. Remember we are blessed to be a blessing! We make an impact by
L- loving individuals. Love enables us to serve those who are the last, least, and left out. It is not until people know how much we care that they care how much we know. Finally we make an impact by
D-demonstrating what it means to make a difference. People are more prone to
"be" what they can
"'see". In other words, they need a model that they can mimic. Maybe that's why Ghandi said, "We must be the change that we want to see in the world."
BUILDing something bigger than yourself will always be BIG!