Thursday, March 7, 2013

Doing It BIG!

What are you currently building that is BIG?  Is it a ministry, or a marriage?  Is it a family, a business or a career?  Of course when reading this you probably automatically think of size.  However, when I say BIG, I'm not referring to size but instead I'm talking about significance.  We live in a world where it's easy to get it twisted.  By that I mean that it's possible to think our lives should be about making money instead of making a difference. I believe this is what our Lord and Liberator, Jesus Christ was referring to when He said that it's possible to gain the stuff that money can buy, while at the same time, lose the stuff that money can't buy (Luke 9:25).  What money does have a place in this world, we must make sure we keep things in proper perspective.  To help you do this I've created the acronym BIG.  Today I'll focus on the letter "B".

First ask yourself, is what I'm building Blessed?  In other words, are God's hands on it?  The amplified version of Proverbs 10:22 says, "The blessing of the Lord—it makes [truly] rich, and He adds no sorrow with it."  We must make sure that whatever we are building has first been ordained by God.  Why? Because God sustains, and maintains whatever He ordains.  I know what you're probably asking, how do I know what He ordains?  Easy, it's found in his Word.  God has specifically spoken His will in His Word.  From scripture there are many things that we know God has placed His blessing upon.  But, you may ask, what about those times when things are not so clear to me?  Well James 1:5 lets us know when we need wisdom at these times, we should ask God.  God wants to let you in on His will.  Unfortunately some things that we build do not pass this blessing test. We even sometimes still have the audacity to ask God to bless what we are building.  Instead of wasting our time in this way, a more appropriate request would be, God, help me to build where you have already placed your blessing.  Let's do it BIG!


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