Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's Signing Day!

Then said Jesus to his disciples, "If anyone will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me." Matthew 16:24

Last Wednesday was a wonderful day for many high school athletes as they signed national letters of intent. The NCAA has set aside the 1st Wednesday in February as National Signing Day. On this day, after a long recruiting process, athletes from all over the country committed to a college of their choice. As I reflected upon this event, my mind reminisced over my own recruiting experience 20 years ago. What I vividly remember the most are the coaches who were trying to pursuade me to make a commitment to join their team. In like manner, our Cosmic Coach is actively recruiting you to join his team. The text above shows us how he wants and welcomes you to be a part of the greatest team.

1. Jesus is passionate about you being on His team. He says, "If any man" vs. 24. In other words, this opportunity is for anyone and everyone. You do not have to be a 5 star player, a blue chip, or top of the class to join this team. I'm talking to someone who feels like they are not qualified, or does not have what it takes to become a member of this team, The word for you today is that your eligibility has been cleared because its based on what Jesus has already done for you!

2. Jesus has a prerequisite for you being successful on His team. Anyone can join the team but everyone who does so must be willing to give up everything vs. 24. In other words, Jesus is looking for a commitment. What coach would ask for anything less? After I signed my letter of intent to play basketball, my coaches at USM demanded a level of commitment. This included many areas such as being committed to working hard on and off the court, disciplining my body in the weight room, and abiding by team rules. In order to do this there were many things I had to give up. What are you willing to give up to follow Jesus?

3. Jesus makes a promise for those who join His team. All recruits are made promises prior to pledging their commitment. These include, the promise of a quality education, a great collegiate athletic experience, and maybe a chance to play at the next level. Jesus promises his recruits in vs. 25 that for everything they give up they will gain much more! In essence it is in giving up our lives that we really find our lives!

Have you made a commitment to join the Greatest team in History? Come on over to victory's side for you were born to win!

My prayer for you today is that you will commit to become a follower of Jesus!


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Why not you?

"Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?" Judges 6:14

Super Bowl 48 ended up being one of the most lopsided games in history as the Seahawks dominated the Broncos. During the game I was impressed with their defense, aka The Legion of Boom, as well as the poise of their young QB Russell Wilson. After the game, comments made by Wilson so captured my attention that I decided to make them the topic of this blog. During the post game interview, Wilson mentioned that when he was younger his late father would ask, "Why not you?" He said this in regards to Russell being great one day. Wilson went on to challenge his team earlier this season with a similar question, "Why not us in the Super Bowl?".

I was moved by the use of this interesting interrogative from this individual who refused to be incarcerated by feelings of inadequacy. After tracting his career, it dawned on me that if anyone could have been locked up by low self-esteem, it could have been Wilson. He wasn't taken until the third round of the 2012 draft, as the 75th pick. He was the sixth QB taken that year mostly because teams felt he was too short to play the position in the NFL. As a matter of fact, the Denver Broncos backup QB was even taken before Wilson! Throughout his career he has been labeled as only a game manager and hasn't gotten the same level of notoriety as some of the other QB's that were drafted with him. However Wilson has used this entire situation as motivation and has had the audacity to ask himself the question, "Why not you?"

As I let those words marinate on my mind, I could not help but be drawn to the above passage as the same question was raised by the Angel of The Lord. In the text, Gideon was selected to deliver the people of God from Midianite oppression. However, because of his own inadequacies, and his immediate circumstances, Gideon didn't see himself as much of a deliverer. Like many today, Gideon allowed his own issues with himself to become an issue. If we are not careful, issues that we have with ourself can get in the way of "the us" that we are meant to be. However I'm so glad that despite his own issues, the Angel of God resiliently raised the question, "Why not you?"

In like manner, as a messenger of God, I have the same question for you as it relates to being a person of impact and influence, "Why not you?" As it relates to being an agent of change and a difference maker in the world, "Why not you?" When it comes to starting the business, writing the book, or going back to school, "Why not you?". When it comes to fulfilling your dreams, and reaching your goals, and living a bigger, bolder, brighter, life for the glory of God, "Why not you?". My friend, the text helps assertively answers all of the above with a resounding, "Yes you can!"

First you have to Recognize your Potential. In Judges 6:12 the angel greets Gideon by calling him "a mighty man of valor". In other words he informs Gideon that he is full of potential. What's really interesting is where Gideon found himself when he received this revelation. Judges 6:11 says that he was threshing wheat in a wine press. In other words he was hiding. Because of where he was and what he was facing, Gideon felt less than qualified to be a great leader. Where are you hiding today that is hindering you from fulfilling your potential? Are you hiding behind limited resources, limited exposure or opportunities? Though each of these may be real factors, be encouraged to know that limitations do not have to limit you! God has already given you everything you need within to rise above any circumstance that you face without. Today He is saying "Why not you mighty person of valor!"

Next you have to Remember you have His Presence. After Gideon was called, he began to offer excuses to why he could not possibly be a deliverer. After all, he looked at his family as being small and he was the weakest of them all! (6:15) However God reminded him that he could accomplish his assignment because the Almighty was with Him (6:16). My friend let me ask you another question, "If God, the Creator of the cosmos, is for you, who or what can be against you?" Today passionately pursue your purpose knowing that the presence of the Lord is with you!

It's no wonder why Russell Wilson could demonstrate such cool, calm, and confidence out on the field this season. In his mind he had already answered the question of could he be a champion? Have you done so yet?

My prayer for you today is that God will give you confidence to say, "Yes I can be a champion!"
