Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's Signing Day!

Then said Jesus to his disciples, "If anyone will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me." Matthew 16:24

Last Wednesday was a wonderful day for many high school athletes as they signed national letters of intent. The NCAA has set aside the 1st Wednesday in February as National Signing Day. On this day, after a long recruiting process, athletes from all over the country committed to a college of their choice. As I reflected upon this event, my mind reminisced over my own recruiting experience 20 years ago. What I vividly remember the most are the coaches who were trying to pursuade me to make a commitment to join their team. In like manner, our Cosmic Coach is actively recruiting you to join his team. The text above shows us how he wants and welcomes you to be a part of the greatest team.

1. Jesus is passionate about you being on His team. He says, "If any man" vs. 24. In other words, this opportunity is for anyone and everyone. You do not have to be a 5 star player, a blue chip, or top of the class to join this team. I'm talking to someone who feels like they are not qualified, or does not have what it takes to become a member of this team, The word for you today is that your eligibility has been cleared because its based on what Jesus has already done for you!

2. Jesus has a prerequisite for you being successful on His team. Anyone can join the team but everyone who does so must be willing to give up everything vs. 24. In other words, Jesus is looking for a commitment. What coach would ask for anything less? After I signed my letter of intent to play basketball, my coaches at USM demanded a level of commitment. This included many areas such as being committed to working hard on and off the court, disciplining my body in the weight room, and abiding by team rules. In order to do this there were many things I had to give up. What are you willing to give up to follow Jesus?

3. Jesus makes a promise for those who join His team. All recruits are made promises prior to pledging their commitment. These include, the promise of a quality education, a great collegiate athletic experience, and maybe a chance to play at the next level. Jesus promises his recruits in vs. 25 that for everything they give up they will gain much more! In essence it is in giving up our lives that we really find our lives!

Have you made a commitment to join the Greatest team in History? Come on over to victory's side for you were born to win!

My prayer for you today is that you will commit to become a follower of Jesus!


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