When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!” Luke 7:9
When Jesus looks at your current level of faith, what does He see? Is your faith filled with great expectation or is it clouded by your current situation? Moreover, when Jesus looks at your faith what does he say? Does he commend it or does He condemn it? Does He applaud it or does he abhor it? In the above text, when Jesus saw a centurion's faith, He was amazed because this man's faith was absolutely marvelous! What does a marvelous faith look like? I'm glad that you asked!
1. Marvelous faith is willing to break out of the box. This man was a Roman centurion which basically meant he was in charge of at least 100 soldiers. He had position, popularity, and possessions. Today we would say he was a big baller and shot caller. However the text says that instead of depending on any of that stuff, he goes outside his normal network to a Jewish preacher for help. The text says he does so because he "heard about Jesus". Marvelous faith will always carry you beyond the confines of your current circumstance. What has God been trying to get you to hear that will move you beyond the borders of your current box?
2. Marvelous faith is willing to believe on behalf of others. This man sent for Jesus not for himself but because his servant was sick. One would think that someone that had many other soldiers wouldn't worry about losing one. However this man had the faith to focus on the needs of others. Today we live in a world, where in many instances, individuals have no problem believing for themselves. They name it and claim it, blab it and grab it, and tag it and bag it. My question is do you have enough faith to believe the best for your community, or your co-worker, or comrade?
3. Marvelous faith is willing to submit to Sovereign authority. Being one with authority and under authority, the centurion had come to understand that those with real power only have to speak and stuff happens. He believed that Jesus only had to say the word and the authority of his word would derail death! In response to this radical faith, his servant was healed. My friend, you need to know that everything in this world is still Word-activated! Trust the authority of the Word and watch God work in your world!
My prayer for you today is that you'll have a marvelous faith that brings forth miraculous things!
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