Thursday, March 27, 2014

Rise, Shine and give God the Glory!

And Peter said to him, "Aeneas, Jesus the Christ heals you. Arise and amaze your bed, and he arose immediately."

Down is not your destiny! Let those words marinate in your mind, and sink into your spirit. No matter how life has knocked you down, situations have gotten you down, or people have let you down, today I decree that you don't have to stay down! That's the lesson we learn in the text above. The Bible declares that a brother by the name of Aeneas was dealing with a paralyzing predicament and had been bedridden for 8 years. He had the unfortunate experience of being stuck in the same situation year after year. Imagine the pain that he experienced as bed sores begin to develop as he lay on his bed day in and day out. To make matters worse think of how much of his potential was being aborted as he lay bedridden day after day.

I'm talking to someone and although your name is not Aeneas, you know something about feeling stuck in a situation where your potential, productivity, and possibilities have been paralyzed. If that's you, the word for you today is that you can rise up! The text is tailored to teach us 3 things that we must understand if we would rise above those things that strive to keep us down, limited, and restrained.

1. The Power of God is greater than any predicament. The text says that the difference making disciple by name of Peter, comes to Aeneas and tells him, "Jesus Christ heals you." Peter didnt use his name or insert some other individuals name, because there is power only in One name and that's the name of Jesus. I declare today that there is still power in that name to get you up and out of any paralyzing predicament. I don't care how bad it looks, if God can raise a dead Jesus, He can raise you too!

2. There is a personal responsibility connected to your rising up. Aeneas heard his name and believed in the power of God to do for him what he couldn't do for himself. However there was still something left that he could do, make his bed. God often does what we can't do so that we can do what we can do. I'm talking to some Aeneas who has grown accustomed to somebody doing for you. After all you've been dependent upon others for some time. Please understand that nobody is going to make your bed for you. Nobody is going to complete the application, submit the resume, enroll in the class for you. Do what you can!

3. Once God gets you up, you are a prime candidate to bring God glory. The text says that after Aeneas got up that the people in two cities saw him and believed on The Lord. Did you get that? They saw a changed life and trusted The Lord. My friend God still uses changed people to change the world. God is going to use what you've been thru to get glory out of it!

The famous fighter Muhammad Ali was was once knocked down early in a fight against a relatively unknown fighter. However he got up and later won the fight. Later reporters asked him what was on his mind as he lay on the canvas. He replied, he was telling himself, "Get up because the ground is no place for a champion!"

My prayer for you today is that you will realize that God has put it in you to rise because you are a champion!
