Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Passing the Test!

"Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham..." Genesis 22:1

On January 8, 2002 the United States signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act. This act is based on the belief that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes for students. NCLB has a couple of key features one of which is that it requires states to administer annual assessments to all students. The law also requires all government operated schools receiving funding to have highly qualified teachers administer these assessments or tests.

My friend, I would like to submit to you that just as our government supports the creation of tests for its students, the Government of the Kingdom of God also designs tests for its subjects. In a real sense, we all face tests, some can be compared to small quizzes, others seem to be enormous exams. All of life is a series of tests. The reality for many of us is that we really don't like taking tests. This is especially true of the kind it seems that the teacher created so that everybody would fail (lol). For some just the idea of taking a test can cause anxiety to fill their mental skies. However, today I want to encourage you by reminding you that the test you are experiencing has been developed by a Highly Qualified Instructor (God) who wants you to pass!

If anybody understood this truth it had to be the Father of the faith, Abraham. In Genesis 22 he is taking his final exam for in vs. 1 the Bible says that God tested him by telling him to kill his son. Now that's a serious test! Interestingly the word for "test" in the orignial Hebrew means "to prove". Of course, God didn't want Abraham to commit murder but in essence He was developing Abraham's faith by proving the genuiness of it. In the end, Abraham was able to pass the test and today he teaches us how we also can pass any test that comes our way. Let's look at the cliff notes version of his experience.

First, we must remember that we have been Prepared for our tests. Vs. 1 begins by saying, "After these things". Abraham's life illustrates the idea that life is a series of tests. This was not the first test for him because he had experienced multiple tests in the previous chapters of his life. If you are honest, this is not your first test neither. As a teacher I often tell my students before a big test, 'What the teacher teaches, the teacher tests." In other words, the instruction, activities, guided practice, homework , and quizzes that I give are all designed to prepare them by giving them repeated practice. In the same manner, God has been instructing and preparing you for your test so that can excel and not fail. So even though it may feel like it's a pop test- you've been prepared for it!

Second, we must respond to our test with a Posture of trust. Abraham's response to this test is so amazing. He doesn't compalin, cry, cause a commotion or even ask God why? Instead, he was compliant and began to do as he was instructed. Wow! After reading this passage I found out that he was able to be so compliant because of his confidence in God. Though he couldn't trace God's hand, he still trusted God's heart! He knew that God was working things out according to plan. How do we develop that type of faith? The Bible says, "Faith comes by hearing the Word of God". As a younger student I liked it when the teacher gave us open book tests. I understood that all I had to do was know the book and I could do well. The good thing about all God's tests is that they are Open Book! Go ahead and open up His book, the Bible, so that you can ace the test!

Well if you remember that you are prepared for your tests and your respond with a posture of trust, Abraham's story teaches us that you can rely on Provisions for your tests. The text says that just as he was about to sacrifice his son, an angel told him not to do so. Instead, he was shown a ram that was caught in a thicket. He sacrificed the ram and called the name of the place, "The Lord Will Provide", vs 14. Abraham learned a powerful lesson that day that he never would have learned had he not been tested, that God will provide somehow, someway. That's good news for you as you are being tested today, be encouraged knowing that where God guides, He always provides!


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