"Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep... "Acts 13:36
Over the last couple of years one of the more popular forms of technology has been HDTV or High resolution digital television. One reason why is because HDTV can display images at a substantially higher resolution than those found in a standard television. A higher resolution means a crisper, clearer picture. In contrast to a standard TV whose picture is fuzzy, a HDTV has a brighter, more brilliant and beautiful picture. HDTV has literally taken watching television to a whole new level. Similarly, I believe that God has designed us to live high definition lives. He wants us to live with clarity and a sense of purpose. Now I know that the word "purpose" is one that causes many individuals to scratch their heads so what exactly does it mean? Purpose by definition means the original intent or reason for being. Your purpose is the reason that you were placed on the planet. The good news is that you have been given an assignment to accomplish while you are here on Earth. The verse above says that David knew his assignment, accomplished it and then died. As someone has said, "One of life's greatest tragedies is not to live and die but to live with no sense of purpose." However God doesn't want us to live fuzzy low definition lives. Instead He desires us to live brilliant, bright, beautiful lives for His glory. So the million dollar question is how does one discover his/her purpose?
Number 1- If you want to know what you are made for asks your Manufacturer. Many people waste time their time asking Lotti, Dotti, and everybody what they should be doing. However, only the One that made us knows what we are here for. James 1:5 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." Listen, God wants you to know your purpose. He does not want you to live a frustrated, fruitless and unfulfilled life. He wants to tell you what on Earth you are supposed to be doing. Let me make this clearer. Let's say you bought a new HDTV today, and you were trying to assemble it. Would you settle for asking someone off the street? No, you wouldn't take a chance like that! Instead you would grab the manual that came inside the package and begin to follow the instructions which tells you how the equipment is supposed to operate. In the same way, God has a manual called the Bible which outlines how we are supposed to function. Doing what it says can help us better understand how we are supposed to operate. Your life is too important for you to take chances. Follow the manual!
Number 2- If you want to know what you are supposed to do, there is something you have got to do. God will only reveal your purpose only if you are serious about accomplishing it. In other words, you have to first demonstrate a willingness to follow and obey God. Many people say, "God tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." Instead God basically says, "Show me that you will do what I say and then I can tell you more." Romans 12:1-2 summarized says that as we surrender our lives to God, not follow the world's way and begin to think God's thoughts that we will be able to know His will for our life. I guess the question is how bad do you want it?
Number 3- If you want to know what you are called to do check out how God created you. What talents, gifts, and unique abilities do you have? What are you passionate about? What is it that you do with ease that is not very easy for others to do? All of these are clues about your purpose. Why? Because when God made you on purpose for a purpose, He also gave you the potential or ability to accomplish it. Any wise manufacture would do the same. Every vehicle, piece of technology or equipment has inside of it the ability to do what it was made to do. No one would make a boat that couldn't float. Since a boat is made for water it designed in such a way to handle the water and waves. In the same way, you have been designed in a way so that you can do what you are supposed to do. There are many talent/gift inventories available today. One of my favorite can be found at http://www.rwuniversity.com/?page_id=50. Take your time and honestly complete it.
My friend, you have been made to do something that only you can do. That makes you unique. Like David, choose to do what you were made to do in this time in which you live. Fulfilling your purpose will give you ultimate fulfillment. Why settle for low definition when you can live a high definition life?
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