Saturday, July 30, 2011

Making the Most of your Moment Part 2

Many people rebuked him (Bartimaeus), they told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more… Mark 10:48

As you start to make your move, understand that there will always be those whose aim is to get you to vacillate, hesitate and procrastinate. However, in order to make the most of your moment not only should you recognize your opportunities, you also have to resist your opposition. It's true that opposition comes in various shapes and forms. While we readily recognize it when comes from our haters, it sometimes comes from those who are closest to us. Whether it comes from friend or foe, you have to summon the courage to resist those who resist you! In our text, our friend Bartimaeus shows us how to handle opposition. How does it work?

1. Don’t let others opinions about you stop you from getting what God has for you.
The crowd told Bartimaeus to be quiet probably because they saw his dream or goal as being too big. In their mind he was only a blind beggar who Jesus didn’t have time to deal with. Many people will have opinions about you as well, such as; you’re too young, old, or inexperienced. They may even say that you don’t have enough resources or the right background. In these times, you have to be able to ignore what others conclude about you that is based on where you are now. Stay focused on your goal and refuse to let their labels limit you!

2. Use their hateration as motivation to get to your destination.
The more the crowd told Bartimaeus to be quiet, the louder he began to shout. In essence what was designed to stop him actually stirred something in him. The lives of many great men are often littered with people who cause friction. As John Mason said, “When you make your mark in life, you will always attract erasers.” However it is often opposition that pushes us into success. The great Michael Jordan, who seemed to hit more game-winning shots on the opposing team’s court, was often asked how he was able to play so well away from home. To him it was simple, while many players allow the negative criticism from the crowd to hold them down, he used it to it lift him to another level.

Today move past your opposition and make the most of your moment!


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