Monday, July 11, 2011

I Just Wanna Be Successful! Part 4

Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth but meditate on it, day and night, then you will be prosperous and have good success.” Joshua 1:8

Have you ever been driving, trying to get somewhere, only to find yourself totally lost? For me it’s happened on numerous occasions particularly on one outing to the beach. Prior to leaving, I had announced that our trip would take about three hours. However as we traveled my kids noticed that our journey had eclipsed the four hour mark. At that time they began to inquire, “Are we lost?” I must confess, in my manhood, one of the things that’s difficult for me is admitting being lost, so I was trying really hard to ignore them. Finally, one of them with childlike innocence remarked, “Dad, do you think we could have been there by now, if you would have studied the map?”
For the past week I’ve shared what it takes to be successful. Today, I’ve saved the best for last. We can find success by following God’s precepts. Of course these precepts are only found in the Bible. In the scripture above, as Joshua is faced with the huge responsibility of leading millions of people into new territory, God clearly tells Joshua that it’s His desire for him to be successful and this would only be achieved by following the map! How does it work?

1. Study the map. The scriptures give direction for every area of our life. As the psalmist said, “His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our pathway.” Psalms 119:105.
2. Meditate upon the map. As we reflect, and let scripture sink in, it will begin to shape our thinking. Practice does indeed make permanent.
3. Follow the map. Most importantly, we have to obey what it says. Imagine how much farther you would be if you had just taken the time to follow the map! Instead of getting lost, let the map guide you to your destination.

Do you really wanna be successful? Achieve it God’s way by executing your purpose, maximizing your potential, blessing other people, and following God’s precepts.


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