“Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18
Recently, my wife and I went to see the movie X-Men First Class, which I highly recommend. Since we were running late, we got inside the theater just as the movie was beginning. This meant that we had missed one of my favorite parts, the previews. “Why do I like previews," you may ask? It is because I know that previews give us glimpses of coming attractions. In the same way, I believe that God gives us previews of things to come, which is called vision. Have you ever repeatedly dreamt about something that you are passionate about? Have you ever imagined or seen yourself serving your gift in some way? Those mental images may well be connected to the vision for your life. Understand that vision comes when you see your purpose. In essence vision is purpose in pictures! As the above scripture indicates, having vision is vital. The same passage in the Message translation says, “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves.” This passage reminds us of two things.
1. Without God’s vision for your life, you are in danger of stumbling. It’s just like trying to walk around in your house at night in the midst of a power outage. How many times have you bumped into things, or worse hurt yourself? Why? Because you couldn’t see where you were going. In the same way, how often has this happened in our own lives because of lack of vision?
2. You need to receive God’s vision for your life. His vision will always be bigger, bolder, and brighter than anything we can see ourselves. Let Him give you the right picture so that you will know where you are heading. Why trust your eyesight when you can get Divine insight!
The story is told about Walt Disney who died a couple of years prior to the opening of Disney World. Later, someone said to his widow, “It’s a shame that he didn’t get to see the opening of the park.” To which she remarked, “He did see it and that’s the only reason it exists!” Having a vision is an essential part of fulfilling your purpose.
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