"David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned for forty years." 2 Samuel 5:4
During my summer break, one of the things that I enjoy is taking family vacations. The quality time that we spend on these occasions is satisfying, especially the car ride to our appointed destination. During these times we get to talk, laugh, and listen to our favorite music. It is also at these times that my kids in their impatience often ask their favorite question which is, “Are we there yet? “ Has this question ever filled your mental skies as you make your journey thru life day by day. On the one hand you know that you have a purpose, or intended destination in mind. However you are wondering when will it happen, or better yet when will you get there? Morever you are wondering what shall I do in the meantime? I believe that we can gain helpful hints from looking at the life of King David. In my last post I pointed out that David lived life in high definition. He lived life on purpose. From an early age he knew that his purpose was to shepherd or lead the nation of Israel. Although he was anointed to be king as a youth, he wasn’t appointed to the palace for many years. His experience shows us how to get to the destination that God has determined for us.
First, we must recognize that God gives us preparation for our destination. As stated above, David’s purpose was to shepherd Israel. Although he had many gifts and talents which included being an armorbearer, musician, and warrior, his main gift or ability was always shepherding. Whenever he is mentioned early on in scripture he is always with the sheep. These times out in the pasture with stubborn sheep would prepare him for his role in the palace. How else would he learn patience in dealing with difficult people or how to be compassionate and tender hearted? Listen, just because you have a purpose does not always mean you are ready to fulfill it right away. There is a process that God designs to get us our purpose. In other words, God often prepares us for what He has already prepared for us. Let me make this plain. Many of my brothers have spent time and retired from the military. When they first went in, they were determined to be good soldiers. However in order for this to happen they had to go thru boot camp, basic training and numerous schools, all of which were specially designed to help them become good soldiers. Initally they were even given small assignments, menial tasks and had to spend time out in the field. All of these experiences helped them to become good soldiers. Although our initial assignments may seem to be small, insignificant and obscure, they are vital for they give us a chance to develop. As you examine your life, what experiences have prepared you for where God is taking you? Recognize that all of life is preparation for your purpose.
Secondly, we must understand that it takes dedication to get to your destination. Imagine what it took for David to go back into the pasture after he was anointed to be King. Not only did he know that he would be king even his family understood that he was anointed to be king. Most of us would have wanted to go straight to the palace, that day. Or better yet, we would have flaunted around giving orders to everyone. Instead David went right back to the pasture and did as he had always. Instead of pouting or throwing a pity party, David just kept working on his stuff behind the scenes trusting that God knew when he was ready for a larger stage. Do you have that kind of dedication? Are you committed to refining, polishing and developing your gifts in the meantime? As Longfellow said, "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night." Nobody becomes an overnight success unless it's a long night! If you are able to view where you are right now as preparation and not your final destination it will enable you live with a higher level of dedication.
Finally, is you stay with it, there will be elevation to your destination. David was able to stay the course because he knew that the anointing on his life was larger than his present assignment. His present assignment was tending sheep and taking snacks to his brothers on the battlefield. However he knew he was powerfully anointed to rule and to reign. You have got to see yourself beyond where you currently find yourself. Believe that what you will do in the future is larger than what you are currently doing! I encourage you to just keep at it! As I mentioned earlier, David had multiple gifts and talents. Interestingly, it was not his main gift of shepherding that initailly brought him to the palace. He first arrived there as Saul's musician and armorbearer. What am I saying? Go ahead and use the abilities and talents you may have right now even if you feel that they are not your primary gifts. Who knows how your gifts will make room for you? Although it was probably a 10-15 year journey to get there, David was appointed king at the age of thirty. He went on to reign and to rule for forty years. Likewise rememeber that God is taking you on a journey. Instead of tripping out on the journey, start trusting, knowing that He has a destination in mind. Where He's taking you is worth the wait!
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