Oh the things one can find while moving! Just the other day I ran across several items that had been missing for quite some time. Of particular interest was a key, which I figured had gotten lost somewhere or had accidentally been thrown away. To my suprise, the missing key had actually gotten misplaced and was beneath many other items. Have you ever misplaced something of value? Maybe like me you have misplaced a key which has hindered you from opening some door, or getting to some desired destination. My friend, the key I'm talking about today is called love. It's possible for our love for God to get misplaced amidst a host of other things. That's why it's vital that we keep our love on top!
In the above text, the risen Lord addresses this issue with the Church at Ephesus. This was a church that was on the move and very busy (vs. 2-3). After commending them for their positive qualities, Jesus points out one major problem that was ruining everything. The problem in this church is the same problem that many believers experience today, leaving first love. Do you remember when you were in first love with your Boo? I'm talking about that time in your relationship when it didn't matter that you didn't have the best job or car, or that she couldn't cook. Why? Because you were in love! However as time passes, and kids are born, and we settle into regular routines, our first love somehow moves to twenty-first love! When this happens our routines become more important than our relationship. In the same way, we can become so busy going through our religious rituals and routines that we fail to make our relationship with God top priority. The word today is to find the misplaced key and get back to first love!
My prayer for you today is that you will make it a priority to keep your love on top!
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