In chapter six of the book that bears his name, Nehemiah was almost finished with his wall building campaign. It was at this time that his enemies intensified their attacks against him. This is when he employed an approach that allowed him to stay on the wall. Utilize this approach to help you continue to build BIG plans, dreams, goals, plans. First, Nehemiah was able to discern his distractions. Please understand that distractions come in many forms, shapes, and sizes. Some even seem to be good things, but they are not necessarily the best things. The text suggests that even people can serve as distractions. How true this is in a marriage or a ministry, a career or a church. However, Nehemiah was able to discern his distractions and stay on the wall. That's my word to you today. Refuse to submit to whatever it is that's trying to discourage you and continue building BIG!
Great word. Needed this!