Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rocks of Rememberance

Then he spoke to the Israelites: "In the future your children will ask you, 'What do these rocks mean?' Tell them, 'Israel crossed the Jordan River on dry land. Joshua 4:21-22 NCV

This past weekend was spectacular as we celebrated the Johnson-Jones Family Reunion. It was special for a couple of reasons. First because it had been a while (8 yrs.) since the last family reunion. It was really great to see so many of our family members after so long. I was so thrilled to listen to the eldest members of our family Aunt Tee Tee, Aunt Alice and my dad, Albert, share memories from their childhood. It was also nice to know that the younger people got a chance to meet family that they didn't know existed. Secondly, it was great because everyone was on one accord. You know how family gatherings can be sometimes because ain't no drama like family drama and family drama don't stop! However we didn't have no hateration, we didn't have no holleration, it was truly a Family Affair! Another good thing about this reunion was that we got a chance to view firsthand some of the talent in our family. Vernon, the next Sunday's Best, showed up with the vocals (That Boy can Sang!). Even little sister, Miss Kaylyn let us know she also has mad vocals with a song by Jazmine Sullivan. My little daughter Mycaya and nephew Dorian demonstrated that the young folk got talent too with their piano and rap performances. Last but not least my cousin Angie spit some truth with a powerful poem about our family. That sister has major skills when it comes to the spoken word!

Another thing that made this reunion great was the food. We have some incredible cooks in the Fam. The grub was off da hizzle fo shizzle! The best thing about this reunion for me was that we got a chance to better understand our heritage and where we come from. For if you don't know your history you won't know your destiny! My sister, with help from others, gathered information to create a family tree. They were able to trace our ancestry at least 7 generations. Through this process we were able to gain so many influential images of our ancestors. These images are very vital because they set high standards for us and the future generations.
One of the most moving moments for me was the last day when we all received a small rock. We were told to bring this rock back to the next family reunion, (God sparing). As everyone was holding up their rock, I thought about the scripture above. In this text the children of Israel are poised and positioned on the perimeter of the promised land. They have just crossed over the Jordan River. Prior to crossing, God instructed Joshua to have men to carry twelve large rocks or stones across the river with them. Joshua then sets the rocks up as a memorial at Gilgal and tells them that one day the future generations would ask, "What do these rocks mean?" It was then that Joshua told them that these were rocks that would enable them to remember some very valuable lessons. Just like Israel, the Johnson-Jones family has been given rocks that remind us of some powerful truths.

First these rocks should help us remember God's Presence. When the people crossed the Jordan River, they had to follow the priests who carried the Ark of the Covenant which represented the presence of God. In this way they were allowing God to go before them to guide their footsteps. They were basically saying to God, "When you move we move just like that!" God guided them through the Jordan River and to their promised destination. Johnson-Jones family we have to remember that it has been God who has guided and guarded us through many dangers seen and unseen. God has brought us from being down and out to being up and in. It is God that has brought us a mighty long way!

Secondly these rocks remind us of God's Power. In vs. 22 Joshua tells them to tell the children, "that Israel crossed the Jordan River on dry ground." Now the Jordan wasn't a little pond and the Bible says in chapter three that it was harvest season which meant the banks were now overflowing. This river represented an impossibility for Israel. There were not enough boats for over two million people to ride on. Even if there were, they would have been sitting ducks for the enemy who was expecting them. However the Bible says instead of going over it or around it, they went through the Jordan on dry ground. Vs. 23 says that God caused the water to stop flowing until they crossed over as He did with the Red Sea. The Israelites were reminded that they needed to look back and see what God has done. Surely the Johnson-Jones Family can look back over our shoulders and see so much of what God has done. Like the psalmist we can triumphantly testify, "If it had not been for the Lord on our side!" Think about the stuff that God caused to stop flowing so you could cross over! God in His power has brought us through so much, and the good news is if He did it back then He can do it again!

Finally, these rocks ought to remind us of God's Purpose. Why did the Lord do this for Israel? Better yet, why has the Lord done so much for our family? Is it because we deserve it? Is it because we are better than other folk? No the answer lies in vs. 24, He did this so that everybody or as my young folk would say Erbody, would know that His hand is powerful and that they might always fear the Lord. God wanted to demonstrate His power through this family of faith so that others would come to know Him. Today God has manifested his power in our family so that others would recognize that God is with us, that God is blessing us, that God is making a way for us, that God's hand is on our life! Most importantly He wants us, the Johnson-Jones Family, to always recognize this fact and Fear Him Forever! As a teacher I like using visual aids as a part of my lessons. I believe that they enable my students to not only hear what I'm saying but see it and come to have a better understanding. The rocks that we have been given are our visual aids that remind us of God's Presence, Power, and Purpose that have been with the Johnson-Jones Family. Thanks for a great weekend, and a special thanks goes out to the committee that put this together and worked so tirelessly to make sure everything ran smoothly.

P.S. Don't forget to remember your rocks!

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