Saturday, July 30, 2011
Making the Most of your Moment Part 2
As you start to make your move, understand that there will always be those whose aim is to get you to vacillate, hesitate and procrastinate. However, in order to make the most of your moment not only should you recognize your opportunities, you also have to resist your opposition. It's true that opposition comes in various shapes and forms. While we readily recognize it when comes from our haters, it sometimes comes from those who are closest to us. Whether it comes from friend or foe, you have to summon the courage to resist those who resist you! In our text, our friend Bartimaeus shows us how to handle opposition. How does it work?
1. Don’t let others opinions about you stop you from getting what God has for you.
The crowd told Bartimaeus to be quiet probably because they saw his dream or goal as being too big. In their mind he was only a blind beggar who Jesus didn’t have time to deal with. Many people will have opinions about you as well, such as; you’re too young, old, or inexperienced. They may even say that you don’t have enough resources or the right background. In these times, you have to be able to ignore what others conclude about you that is based on where you are now. Stay focused on your goal and refuse to let their labels limit you!
2. Use their hateration as motivation to get to your destination.
The more the crowd told Bartimaeus to be quiet, the louder he began to shout. In essence what was designed to stop him actually stirred something in him. The lives of many great men are often littered with people who cause friction. As John Mason said, “When you make your mark in life, you will always attract erasers.” However it is often opposition that pushes us into success. The great Michael Jordan, who seemed to hit more game-winning shots on the opposing team’s court, was often asked how he was able to play so well away from home. To him it was simple, while many players allow the negative criticism from the crowd to hold them down, he used it to it lift him to another level.
Today move past your opposition and make the most of your moment!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Make the most of your Moment!
When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Mark 10:47 (NLV)
Time keeps moving and it never rewinds
Those lyrics from Mary Mary’s 2011 song entitled Slow Walk, reminds each of us about the significance of moments. Our lives can basically be depicted as a series of moments in which we can choose to either maximize or minimize. As the song suggests, we must be careful because our moments are not standing still, indeed they are in motion. In essence we must make the most of our moments. That’s the lesson we learn from a most unlikely person named Bartimaeus. The writer Mark introduces Bartimaeus, a blind man who lived in the city of Jericho. His daily experience was to sit by the roadside and beg. However, Bartimaeus’ life would forever change on this particular day as he made the most of his moment. His experience teaches us a few things about moments.
1. Moments should be maximized. Although Bartimaeus didn’t have physical eyesight, he had enough spiritual insight to understand who Jesus was. He referred to him by his Messianic title, son of David. Bartimaeus knew this was his chance or opportunity, so he began to scream for help. Are you able to recognize the opportunities that are available to you today? Our days are filled with countless opportunities to learn, lift, lead, laugh, live, and most importantly love. Take full advantage of them!
2. Moments can be missed. In the text above, Jesus was exiting the city of Jericho, for this was the last time He would pass that way. Only one man and a few friends took advantage of this. Imagine how many people missed their moment that day. Have you ever missed a moment? If we are honest, in some sense, I think we all have. Now left are only the memories of what could have or should have been. However, if you are still alive, understand that although you may not be able to press rewind, God in grace has given you another moment. Don't miss this moment; don't let it pass you by!
In closing I would like to encourage you with the words of the late great Benjamin E. Mays. This former president of the prestigious Morehouse College used to often quote this poem to his students.
I’ve only just a minute,
Only sixty seconds in it.
Forced upon me, can’t refuse it,
Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it,
But it’s up to me to use it.
I must suffer if I lose it,
Give an account if I abuse it,
Just a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it.
Go ahead and make the most of your moment!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Getting it Back Together!
How many of our lives can be portrayed by this little girl’s predicament. On the one hand, many of us started out with high aspirations to put our world together. However, on our way, something happened and now we are constantly reminded of broken plans and dreams. If we are honest we must admit that things don’t always go as we had planned. As Robert Burns said, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” To make matters worse, we seem to fall where others can see us. However, in these times instead of giving up on our situation we need to do as the little girl did.
After getting up and walking with her dad, two hours later the little girl exclaimed from the top of the stairs, “My world is back together again!” How was she able to get it together?
1. Though she was down, she refused to stay down. From time to time, we all experience unplanned situations that knock us down. But as my dad always says, “No man is beaten because he gets knocked down, he is only beaten if he stays down.” Understand that the Father’s hand is ready and able to help you get back up again.
2. She received a picture that would enable her to get it together. After getting up, her father put the box in her hands. Remember that every puzzle has a picture on the box that shows what it’s supposed to look like. In the same way, our Father gives us a picture or vision for our life. Unfortunately many of us disregard the picture. Imagine how difficult it would be to put together a large puzzle without a picture. In the same it is difficult to assemble your purpose without a picture or vision.
3. She let her Father help put her world back together again. Instead of trying to do it all by herself, she trusted someone who had experience with puzzles. Our Father, can be trusted and is an expert at putting worlds, and lives back together again.
Never feel that your world has to stay torn up. It’s not too late for God to help you get it back together again!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Purpose in Pictures
Recently, my wife and I went to see the movie X-Men First Class, which I highly recommend. Since we were running late, we got inside the theater just as the movie was beginning. This meant that we had missed one of my favorite parts, the previews. “Why do I like previews," you may ask? It is because I know that previews give us glimpses of coming attractions. In the same way, I believe that God gives us previews of things to come, which is called vision. Have you ever repeatedly dreamt about something that you are passionate about? Have you ever imagined or seen yourself serving your gift in some way? Those mental images may well be connected to the vision for your life. Understand that vision comes when you see your purpose. In essence vision is purpose in pictures! As the above scripture indicates, having vision is vital. The same passage in the Message translation says, “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves.” This passage reminds us of two things.
1. Without God’s vision for your life, you are in danger of stumbling. It’s just like trying to walk around in your house at night in the midst of a power outage. How many times have you bumped into things, or worse hurt yourself? Why? Because you couldn’t see where you were going. In the same way, how often has this happened in our own lives because of lack of vision?
2. You need to receive God’s vision for your life. His vision will always be bigger, bolder, and brighter than anything we can see ourselves. Let Him give you the right picture so that you will know where you are heading. Why trust your eyesight when you can get Divine insight!
The story is told about Walt Disney who died a couple of years prior to the opening of Disney World. Later, someone said to his widow, “It’s a shame that he didn’t get to see the opening of the park.” To which she remarked, “He did see it and that’s the only reason it exists!” Having a vision is an essential part of fulfilling your purpose.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Purpose on Paper
I can still hear those words ringing in my ear, as they were often often uttered by my parents. They were reminding me that important things need to be written down. During this month I’ve been discussing how to live with purpose which can ultimately lead to your success. I encourage you to take time to review those posts especially, “High Definition Life”. Now it’s time to move to the next step, which is, writing it down in the form of a statement. A purpose or mission statement is a general concept of what you want to accomplish. It basically clarifies your existence. As I mentioned before, Jesus Christ stated his purpose in Matthew 20:28, “I came to serve and to give my life as a ransom for many.” A teacher may say, “I equip students to be successful citizens in the world.” A comedian may say, “I tell jokes to help people laugh and deal with their stress.” Developing a purpose statement is vital because it provides a reference point to keep us aligned with our purpose. There are several resources that will help you think reflectively regarding your purpose. I recommend the following:
Now go ahead and put that purpose on paper!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Keep moving Forward!
John Maxwell in his fabulous book, Failing Forward, tells the story of aviation pioneer Dr. Samuel Langley. While we have all heard about the Wright brothers, it was Langley who was expected to put the first airplane in the sky. Langley, a respected scientist, was even funded by the U.S. War Department to develop the first piloted airplane. However, after failing to fly on two different occasions, he decided to give up on his passion to fly. A couple of days later, two uneducated, unknown, and unfunded brothers flew the first plane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
Sadly, what happened to Langley is often what happens to many of us. We allow failure to make us think we are a failure. Even though we really believe that our life has purpose, we tend to give up prematurely and miss out on what God had in mind for us. However, I want to tell you today that your failure does not have to be fatal nor final but it can be fruitful if you learn from it! That's the same lesson the apostle Peter learned in his own experience. For Peter had failed miserably in doing, what he previously said he would never do, by denying the Lord Jesus 3 times. But the scripture above teaches us that though Peter failed, God still had big plans for him that would enable him to keep moving forward. How can we keep moving forward?
1. Refuse to let your imperfections impair your impact. Many people never maximize their potential because they only focus on their flaws. They feel that it's too late to be used by God and seem to find themselves sinking deeper and deeper into self-pity. However, Peter's experience shows that you can still have a purposeful and purpose-filled future despite your past failures. Today we view Peter, not as a failure, but as one of the greatest apostles. If you are being haunted by the guilt of your past understand that God still has a purpose for your life!
2. Recognize that God wants you to move forward despite your failure. Some people never seem to progress past their failures. But you have to choose to move past your past and walk into a brand new future. That was the message for Peter as he was directed to meet Jesus in Galilee. It's also the message for us today- Keep moving forward!
Now I must admit that my title is not original with me. It was the magnificant motto of a character named Louis in the movie, Meet the Robinsons. After failing repeatedly as an inventor, instead of giving up, he refused to let failure get the best of him. In the end he kept moving forward to become a world-famous inventor. Imagine what would have happened if he had become paralyzed by failure? Imagine what would have happened if Peter had stayed stuck on his own failure. More importantly, what will happen to your destiny if you don't decide to move forward? My friend- Keep Moving Forward!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Who's On First?
One of my favorite scenes in the movie Rainman is when he does the old Abbott and Castello routine. As I watched it, I was captivated by his continual repetition of the question, "Who's on first?" I'd like to take a different perspective and rephrase that question. As you think about your plans and God's purpose, "What's on first?" Which has taken precedence in your life? The scripture above let's us know that God's purpose will prevail over our plans. But how many of us have gotten it twisted? We come up with our own ideas of what we want to be or do first and then come to God later.
For example, in my own life, upon entering college at the University of Southern Mississippi, I planned on being a physical therapist. For three years I took courses related to that field until it dawned on me that even though it would be a lucrative career, it was not my purpose or passion. If I had gone to God before I went to college, I would have found out that my purpose was tied to teaching and would have saved myself a lot of time. Make sure you consult God about your purpose prior to making your plans. If you do so you'll find the following:
1. Purpose is more vital than plans- God is more interested in His purpose for you than your plans.
2. Purpose should precede plans- Make sure you consult God for your purpose before you make your plans.
3. Plans should flow out of purpose- Finding God's purpose will enable you to plan more effectively.
Today I encourage you to let God's purpose for your life guide you along the right path.
Monday, July 11, 2011
I Just Wanna Be Successful! Part 4
Have you ever been driving, trying to get somewhere, only to find yourself totally lost? For me it’s happened on numerous occasions particularly on one outing to the beach. Prior to leaving, I had announced that our trip would take about three hours. However as we traveled my kids noticed that our journey had eclipsed the four hour mark. At that time they began to inquire, “Are we lost?” I must confess, in my manhood, one of the things that’s difficult for me is admitting being lost, so I was trying really hard to ignore them. Finally, one of them with childlike innocence remarked, “Dad, do you think we could have been there by now, if you would have studied the map?”
For the past week I’ve shared what it takes to be successful. Today, I’ve saved the best for last. We can find success by following God’s precepts. Of course these precepts are only found in the Bible. In the scripture above, as Joshua is faced with the huge responsibility of leading millions of people into new territory, God clearly tells Joshua that it’s His desire for him to be successful and this would only be achieved by following the map! How does it work?
1. Study the map. The scriptures give direction for every area of our life. As the psalmist said, “His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our pathway.” Psalms 119:105.
2. Meditate upon the map. As we reflect, and let scripture sink in, it will begin to shape our thinking. Practice does indeed make permanent.
3. Follow the map. Most importantly, we have to obey what it says. Imagine how much farther you would be if you had just taken the time to follow the map! Instead of getting lost, let the map guide you to your destination.
Do you really wanna be successful? Achieve it God’s way by executing your purpose, maximizing your potential, blessing other people, and following God’s precepts.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I Just Wanna Be Successful! Part 3
whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant. Matthew 20:26
A few years ago, in one of my graduate courses, I participated in this activity where the instructor told us to imagine that we were stranded on an island. She went on to ask, “Which 3 people, who have lived in any era, would you call to help you on the island?” Of course we were not allowed to call Jesus (He alone could rescue us!) Many great names were given such as Einstein, the Wright brothers, and Bill Cosby. Even Macgyver and the famous chef Gee Gervin were mentioned. As we compared our lists we found out that each individual would be called upon because they had a specific gift that would benefit us in our time of need. This brings us to our third ingredient in being successful. Success is blessing other people. In the scripture above Jesus basically says, “Look, I’m going to show you how to be great.” Notice that He doesn’t have a problem with anyone being great or successful. Rather, He desires us all to be great and this is how, by “serving our gift to the world.”
God has blessed each of us with a wealth of expertise, talents, and gifts not for us to abuse but to use to impact the lives of other individuals. The truth about our experience is that we are all standing on somebody’s shoulders and we owe it to them to turn around and help someone else. Begin to open your eyes to see the people God has placed in your path. Someone needs your gift! Today decide to use your blessings to bless someone else!
So do you still wanna be successful? Well achieve success God's way by executing your purpose, maximizing your potential, and blessing other people!
Friday, July 8, 2011
I Just Wanna Be Successful! Part 2
I just can’t wait to be king. Those are the words of a character in one of my favorite movies- The Lion King. Simba understood early on that he was destined to lead his lion pride. When he uttered those words he was only a young lion cub, however he knew that he possessed an enormous amount of potential that would one day enable him to rule the jungle. In my last post I mentioned that success is executing your purpose. Today I want to share something else about being successful. Success is also maximizing your potential. God not only gives us a purpose, but He also gives us the potential to complete it. What is potential you may say? I'm glad you asked! Potential can be defined as untapped possibility, unmet capability and unused power. In other words, it is all you can do but have not yet done. The good news is that God not only gives us an assignment but He also gives us the ability to accomplish our assignment, which is called potential. Within each and every one of us is a powerful amount of potential just waiting to be used.
Sadly, many individuals never tap into this potential and end up taking it with them to their grave. That's why it's said that the richest place on Earth is the graveyard, for there lies so much untapped potential. However, as you read the Gospels you find Jesus over and over again maximizing his potential by serving and giving. It's vital to first believe that you have the potential or ability to do something great. My dad always tells a story about this young boy and his dad who were out playing basketball. Despite the fact that the boy was much taller than his dad, the dad would always jump higher than the son. Day after day the dad would encourage the son to jump higher only to hear the son reply, "I'm jumping as high as I can!" The boy would never jump any higher than about 3-4 feet. However one day, as they were both walking in a fenced in pasture, suddenly a bull came out of nowhere and began charging. They both began to run for the fence but there was a problem, the fence was at least six feet tall. While running the dad looked at the boy and said, "Son I love you, but the only way out is to jump over the fence." To his amazement the son not only jumped over the fence, out jumping him, but cleared it with room to spare. Afterward the son replied, "Dad, I guess I didn't know what I had inside of me!” My question for you today is, “Do you really know what you are capable of?” I want to encourage you to begin to use all of your God-given potential.
Now, you also need to know that the opposite of maximizing your potential is called mediocrity, or settling for average. That’s exactly what Simba did as he dealt with the devastating death of his father. After leaving his pride for a period of time, he found himself kicking it with Timon and Pumbaa, chomping on grubs, and singing Hakuna Matata (no worries). Can you see Simba on the youtube screen of your imagination as he is not living up to his potential? However, one of my favorite scenes in the movie is when he sees his father, Mufassa’s face, in the clouds and hears him say, “You are more than what you have become!” From that moment, Simba remembered who he was and began to maximize his potential until he eventually became the Lion King. The truth is, as long as we are living, there is more for us to accomplish. We can never park in the area of our potential and think that we have arrived because all of life is a No Parking Zone!
Do you still wanna be successful? If so, achieve it God’s way by executing your purpose and maximizing your potential!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
I Just Wanna Be Successful!
First of all, success is executing your purpose. Real success can only be attained by accomplishing God's purpose for your life. That's why knowing your purpose is so essential. More than anyone who has ever lived, Jesus operated completely in His purpose. From a youth He walked in step with His Father's will. On one occasion when He was only 12 years old and his parents were frightened because they didn't know where He was, He remarked, "Did you not know that I must be about my Father's business?" (Luke 2:49) In the scripture above He clearly gives us his purpose statement; to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Everything that he did was centered around him fulfilling his purpose. Notice as we discover our purpose we also better understand those things that are not a part of our purpose. Jesus stated that his reason for coming to Earth was not to be served. Given who He is, He could have easily decided to have people bow before him day and night, but that wasn't his assignment. One of the mistakes that we tend to make in life is trying to succeed in the wrong assignment. Let me make this plain. Imagine as a student your teacher wanted you to complete page 28 as a homework assignment. However, instead you complete page 38. Even if you get every answer correct on page 38 you would still fail because you completed the wrong assignment. Jesus did not make that mistake. He was able to stay focused on fulfilling the right assignment and then eventually say, "It is Finished!" (John 19:30)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Are we there yet?
During my summer break, one of the things that I enjoy is taking family vacations. The quality time that we spend on these occasions is satisfying, especially the car ride to our appointed destination. During these times we get to talk, laugh, and listen to our favorite music. It is also at these times that my kids in their impatience often ask their favorite question which is, “Are we there yet? “ Has this question ever filled your mental skies as you make your journey thru life day by day. On the one hand you know that you have a purpose, or intended destination in mind. However you are wondering when will it happen, or better yet when will you get there? Morever you are wondering what shall I do in the meantime? I believe that we can gain helpful hints from looking at the life of King David. In my last post I pointed out that David lived life in high definition. He lived life on purpose. From an early age he knew that his purpose was to shepherd or lead the nation of Israel. Although he was anointed to be king as a youth, he wasn’t appointed to the palace for many years. His experience shows us how to get to the destination that God has determined for us.
First, we must recognize that God gives us preparation for our destination. As stated above, David’s purpose was to shepherd Israel. Although he had many gifts and talents which included being an armorbearer, musician, and warrior, his main gift or ability was always shepherding. Whenever he is mentioned early on in scripture he is always with the sheep. These times out in the pasture with stubborn sheep would prepare him for his role in the palace. How else would he learn patience in dealing with difficult people or how to be compassionate and tender hearted? Listen, just because you have a purpose does not always mean you are ready to fulfill it right away. There is a process that God designs to get us our purpose. In other words, God often prepares us for what He has already prepared for us. Let me make this plain. Many of my brothers have spent time and retired from the military. When they first went in, they were determined to be good soldiers. However in order for this to happen they had to go thru boot camp, basic training and numerous schools, all of which were specially designed to help them become good soldiers. Initally they were even given small assignments, menial tasks and had to spend time out in the field. All of these experiences helped them to become good soldiers. Although our initial assignments may seem to be small, insignificant and obscure, they are vital for they give us a chance to develop. As you examine your life, what experiences have prepared you for where God is taking you? Recognize that all of life is preparation for your purpose.
Secondly, we must understand that it takes dedication to get to your destination. Imagine what it took for David to go back into the pasture after he was anointed to be King. Not only did he know that he would be king even his family understood that he was anointed to be king. Most of us would have wanted to go straight to the palace, that day. Or better yet, we would have flaunted around giving orders to everyone. Instead David went right back to the pasture and did as he had always. Instead of pouting or throwing a pity party, David just kept working on his stuff behind the scenes trusting that God knew when he was ready for a larger stage. Do you have that kind of dedication? Are you committed to refining, polishing and developing your gifts in the meantime? As Longfellow said, "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night." Nobody becomes an overnight success unless it's a long night! If you are able to view where you are right now as preparation and not your final destination it will enable you live with a higher level of dedication.
Finally, is you stay with it, there will be elevation to your destination. David was able to stay the course because he knew that the anointing on his life was larger than his present assignment. His present assignment was tending sheep and taking snacks to his brothers on the battlefield. However he knew he was powerfully anointed to rule and to reign. You have got to see yourself beyond where you currently find yourself. Believe that what you will do in the future is larger than what you are currently doing! I encourage you to just keep at it! As I mentioned earlier, David had multiple gifts and talents. Interestingly, it was not his main gift of shepherding that initailly brought him to the palace. He first arrived there as Saul's musician and armorbearer. What am I saying? Go ahead and use the abilities and talents you may have right now even if you feel that they are not your primary gifts. Who knows how your gifts will make room for you? Although it was probably a 10-15 year journey to get there, David was appointed king at the age of thirty. He went on to reign and to rule for forty years. Likewise rememeber that God is taking you on a journey. Instead of tripping out on the journey, start trusting, knowing that He has a destination in mind. Where He's taking you is worth the wait!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
High Definition Life
Over the last couple of years one of the more popular forms of technology has been HDTV or High resolution digital television. One reason why is because HDTV can display images at a substantially higher resolution than those found in a standard television. A higher resolution means a crisper, clearer picture. In contrast to a standard TV whose picture is fuzzy, a HDTV has a brighter, more brilliant and beautiful picture. HDTV has literally taken watching television to a whole new level. Similarly, I believe that God has designed us to live high definition lives. He wants us to live with clarity and a sense of purpose. Now I know that the word "purpose" is one that causes many individuals to scratch their heads so what exactly does it mean? Purpose by definition means the original intent or reason for being. Your purpose is the reason that you were placed on the planet. The good news is that you have been given an assignment to accomplish while you are here on Earth. The verse above says that David knew his assignment, accomplished it and then died. As someone has said, "One of life's greatest tragedies is not to live and die but to live with no sense of purpose." However God doesn't want us to live fuzzy low definition lives. Instead He desires us to live brilliant, bright, beautiful lives for His glory. So the million dollar question is how does one discover his/her purpose?
Number 1- If you want to know what you are made for asks your Manufacturer. Many people waste time their time asking Lotti, Dotti, and everybody what they should be doing. However, only the One that made us knows what we are here for. James 1:5 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." Listen, God wants you to know your purpose. He does not want you to live a frustrated, fruitless and unfulfilled life. He wants to tell you what on Earth you are supposed to be doing. Let me make this clearer. Let's say you bought a new HDTV today, and you were trying to assemble it. Would you settle for asking someone off the street? No, you wouldn't take a chance like that! Instead you would grab the manual that came inside the package and begin to follow the instructions which tells you how the equipment is supposed to operate. In the same way, God has a manual called the Bible which outlines how we are supposed to function. Doing what it says can help us better understand how we are supposed to operate. Your life is too important for you to take chances. Follow the manual!
Number 2- If you want to know what you are supposed to do, there is something you have got to do. God will only reveal your purpose only if you are serious about accomplishing it. In other words, you have to first demonstrate a willingness to follow and obey God. Many people say, "God tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." Instead God basically says, "Show me that you will do what I say and then I can tell you more." Romans 12:1-2 summarized says that as we surrender our lives to God, not follow the world's way and begin to think God's thoughts that we will be able to know His will for our life. I guess the question is how bad do you want it?
Number 3- If you want to know what you are called to do check out how God created you. What talents, gifts, and unique abilities do you have? What are you passionate about? What is it that you do with ease that is not very easy for others to do? All of these are clues about your purpose. Why? Because when God made you on purpose for a purpose, He also gave you the potential or ability to accomplish it. Any wise manufacture would do the same. Every vehicle, piece of technology or equipment has inside of it the ability to do what it was made to do. No one would make a boat that couldn't float. Since a boat is made for water it designed in such a way to handle the water and waves. In the same way, you have been designed in a way so that you can do what you are supposed to do. There are many talent/gift inventories available today. One of my favorite can be found at Take your time and honestly complete it.
My friend, you have been made to do something that only you can do. That makes you unique. Like David, choose to do what you were made to do in this time in which you live. Fulfilling your purpose will give you ultimate fulfillment. Why settle for low definition when you can live a high definition life?